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Dickenson County Public Schools

General school information

Division: Dickenson County Public Schools
Division Number: 26
Address: 309 Volunteer St Clintwood, VA 24228
Superintendent: Mrs. Haydee Robinson
Region: 7
Division Website (opens new window)
Schools in this Division (opens new window)

Map results may not reflect school division or attendance zone boundaries.







College & Career Readiness

College & Career Readiness



Learning Climate

Learning Climate

Teacher Quality

Teacher Quality


Every Student Succeeds Act

School Readiness



Accreditation Status
Elementary Schools
Ridgeview Elementary Accredited with Conditions
Middle Schools
Ridgeview MiddleAccredited with Conditions
High Schools
Ridgeview HighAccredited with Conditions


The annual pass rate data reported on the Assessment tab includes all grade level and content area state assessments (Standards of Learning assessments and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program assessments).

Student Achievement by Proficiency Level

Reading Performance: All Students

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Writing Performance: All Students

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Math Performance: All Students

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Science Performance: All Students

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History Performance: All Students

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Number of Recently Arrived English Language Learners Exempted From State Reading Assessments

Number of Recently Arrived English Language Learners Exempted From State Reading Assessments

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

2021 Statewide NAEP Grade 4 Reading
Student Group Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Virginia Students at or Above Proficient Nation at or Above Proficient
All Students40%28%23%9%32%32%
American Indian-----18%
Economically Disadvantaged61%26%11%2%13%19%
English Learners73%22%5%-5%10%
Multiple Races27%31%29%12%41%37%
Students with Disabilities75%16%8%2%10%11%

NAEP Participation Rate

2021 Statewide NAEP Grade 4 Reading
Student Group Virginia Participation Rate
English Learners15%
Students with Disabilities13%

Virginia Alternate Assessment Program Participation Rates

Subject Area Number of Students Taking VAAP Tests Total Number of Students Percent of Students Taking VAAP Tests
Grade 3 Reading31332.3%
Grade 4 Reading21171.7%
Grade 5 Reading31512%
Grade 6 Reading21601.3%
Grade 7 Reading11490.7%
Grade 8 Reading21291.6%
End of Course Reading21431.4%

Fall Membership by Grade

Grade 2023-20242024-2025
Grade 1135106
Grade 2136125
Grade 3133128
Grade 4117136
Grade 5151120
Grade 6160150
Grade 7149164
Grade 8129152
Grade 9166131
Grade 10145149
Grade 11143140
Grade 12126128
Total Students1,8831,801

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Fall Membership by Subgroups

2024 Fall Membership By Subgroup: Racial and Ethnic Groups

College & Career Readiness

Diplomas and Completion

Class of 2024: All Students



Four-Year Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate

On-Time Graduation Rate Over Time: All Students

Advanced Program Information: Number and Percentage of Students Enrolled in Advanced Programs

Advanced Program Information - Count/Percentage
Program Type 2021-20222022-20232023-2024
Advanced Placement Test Taken - - -
Advanced Placement Course Enrollment - - -
Dual Enrollment88 / 14.62%95 / 16.05%88 / 15.17%
Governor's School Enrollment - - -
IB Course Enrollment - - -
Senior Enrolled in IB Program - - -

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Postsecondary Enrollment

2019-2020 Postsecondary Enrollment: All Students

Career & Technical Education

Students Earning One or More CTE Credentials: All Students

Career and Technical Education
NOCTI AssessmentsDivision1348
State LicensuresDivision312116
Industry CertificationDivision155169156
Workplace ReadinessDivision877436
Total Credentials EarnedDivision286268216
Students Earning One or More CredentialsDivision275224193
CTE CompletersDivision8885101
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery ExaminationDivision---

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available


Percentage of Expenditures



Per-Pupil Spending

2022-2023 Per-Pupil Spending

Sources of Financial Support



Learning Climate

Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic Absenteeism 2023-2024 School Year:

Percentage of Students Identified as Gifted Compared to Percentage of Students in Fall Membership

Percentage of the Students Referred for Gifted Services Compared to Percentage of Students in Fall Membership

Standards of Accreditation (SOA) Offenses Data

2023-2024 Offenses
  Number of Offenses
Behaviors that Impede Academic Progress 17
Relationship Behaviors without Physical Harm 37
Behaviors of a Safety Concern 127
Behaviors that Endanger the Health, Safety, or Welfare of Self or Others 26

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Short-Term Suspensions

Short-Term Suspensions:

Long-Term Suspensions

Long-Term Supensions:



Free and Reduced Meal Eligibility

Free and Reduced Meal Eligibility:

Free and Reduced Breakfast Participation of Eligible Students

Free and Reduced Breakfast Participation of Eligible Students :

Free and Reduced Lunch Participation of Eligible Students

Free and Reduced Lunch Participation of Eligible Students:

Civil Rights Data Collection

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a survey of all public schools and school districts in the United States. The CRDC includes data on student access to courses, programs, staff, and resources relevant to educational equity and opportunity for students.​ The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights reports information collected through the CRDC in carrying out its mission “to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights.”​ More information about the Civil Rights Data Collection is available on the Virginia Department of Education website.

Teacher Quality

Student-Teacher Ratio

2022-2023 Grades K-7 Student Teacher Ratio

11.09 : 1

2022-2023 Grades 8-12 Student Teacher Ratio

12.15 : 1

Teacher Quality

Teacher Quality All Schools: 2023-2024

Teacher Quality All Schools: 2023-2024
Poverty Level Out-of-Field Teachers Inexperienced Teachers Out-of-Field and Inexperienced Teachers
Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number
All Schools2.4%63.9%100.4%1
High Poverty2.4%63.9%100.4%1
All Schools7.7%83525.9%64001.8%1978
High Poverty12.1%23396.9%13382.8%545
Low Poverty5%16714.6%15411.1%368

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

School Leaders

Inexperienced (First-Year) School Leaders All Schools: 2023-2024

Inexperienced (First-Year) School Leaders All Schools: 2023-2024
Poverty Level Principals Assistant Principals
Percent Number Percent Number
All Schools0%020%1
High Poverty0%020%1
All Schools4%8510.3%323
High Poverty7.1%3513.1%93
Low Poverty2.6%138.4%72

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Provisionally Licensed Teachers

Provisionally Licensed Teachers All Schools: 2023-2024

Provisionally Licensed Teachers All Schools: 2023-2024
Poverty Level All Teachers Special Education Teachers
Percent Number Percent Number
All Schools11%282.7%7
High Poverty11%282.7%7
All Schools9.2%101672.7%2975
High Poverty12.4%25862.7%572
Low Poverty7%23562.5%831

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Teacher Educational Attainment

Teacher Educational Attainment: 2023-2024

Every Student Succeeds Act

ESSA Annual Targets and Long-Term Goals: Reading

Student GroupCurrent RateThree-Year RateAnnual TargetLong-Term Goal
All Students75%73%79%88%
Multiple Races<88%83%88%
Economically Disadvantaged70%67%68%88%
English Learners<<60%88%
Students with Disabilities51%45%57%88%

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

ESSA Annual Targets and Long-Term Goals: Mathematics

Student GroupCurrent RateThree-Year RateAnnual TargetLong-Term Goal
All Students75%70%74%85%
Multiple Races<73%77%85%
Economically Disadvantaged72%65%62%85%
English Learners<<58%85%
Students with Disabilities45%41%54%85%

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

ESSA Pass Rates: Science

Student GroupCurrent Rate
All Students68%
Multiple Races<
Economically Disadvantaged64%
English Learners<
Students with Disabilities39%

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Federal Graduation Indicator

Student GroupCurrent RateAnnual TargetLong-Term Goal
All Students86%84%84%
Multiple Races<89%84%
Economically Disadvantaged81%82%84%
English Learners<77%84%
Students with Disabilities60%74%84%
Foster Care<--

Chronic Absenteeism

Student GroupCurrent RateThree-Year RateAnnual TargetLong-Term Goal
All Students46%34%12%10%
Multiple Races56%48%12%10%
Economically Disadvantaged51%39%13%10%
English Learners<<12%10%
Students with Disabilities52%38%14%10%

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

English Learner Progress and Proficiency

English LearnersPercentAnnual TargetLong-Term Goal
English Learner Progress<54%58%
English Learner Proficiency<--

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

ESSA Participation Rates

Student GroupEnglish Reading ParticipationMathematics ParticipationScience Participation
Assessed Not Assessed Assessed Not Assessed Assessed Not Assessed
All Students100%-100%-100%-
Multiple Races<<<<<<
Economically Disadvantaged100%-100%-99%1%
Not Economically Disadvantaged100%-100%-100%-
English Learners<<<<<<
Students with Disabilities99%1%99%1%98%2%
Students without Disabilities100%-100%-100%-

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Growth in Reading and Mathematics

Student GroupGrowth English ReadingGrowth Mathematics
All Students81%79%
Multiple Races<<
Economically Disadvantaged76%76%
English Learners-<
Students with Disabilities71%58%

< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
— = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

School Readiness

Kindergarten Students' Public Preschool Experience

Kindergarten Students Meeting Fall Literacy Benchmarks

Multidivision Online Provider (MOP) Program

The Code of Virginia, § 22.1-212.23 et seq, allows school divisions to offer online instruction to students using a private organization, educational institution or nonprofit virtual school organization that meets Board of Education approval criteria to operate as a MOP.

MOPs supply virtual teachers coupled with online content to K-12 students. Providers may offer one course or a full array of courses as an online course or program provider contracted with a local school division. A Virginia Public School division under contract with one or more MOPs becomes the responsible division for the students’ educational needs and programs.

Data shown on the MOP tab is limited to students who participate in approved MOP programs for all their classes. Since the approved courses and programs are online, students in these programs rarely reside within the school division boundaries.

Student Achievement by Proficiency Level

English Reading

The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.Reading Performance: All StudentsCreated with Raphaël 2.1.0
No Data


The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.Reading Performance: All StudentsCreated with Raphaël 2.1.0
No Data


The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.Reading Performance: All StudentsCreated with Raphaël 2.1.0
No Data


The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.Reading Performance: All StudentsCreated with Raphaël 2.1.0
No Data


The Virginia Assessment Program includes Standards of Learning tests and other statewide assessments in English reading and writing, history/social science, mathematics, and science. The chart below provides information for the three most recent years on the achievement of students on these tests, including percentages of students who demonstrate proficiency and advanced proficiency. The default view is overall performance in the content area. Use the drop down menu to select a specific grade-level or end-of-course test. Use the menu below the chart to view results for a specific student population.Reading Performance: All StudentsCreated with Raphaël 2.1.0
No Data


Fall Membership by Grade

Grade level 2021-20222022-20232023-2024
All StudentsNot a Full-Time MOP StudentFull-Time MOP StudentAll StudentsNot a Full-Time MOP StudentFull-Time MOP StudentAll StudentsNot a Full-Time MOP StudentFull-Time MOP Student
Grade 01135132313813441351323
Grade 08143142115215111291245
Grade PK8282-8181-8080-
Grade 031551514126126-133133-
Grade 11146140613412861431394
Grade 06121117415114921601564
Grade 10152143916015731451414
Grade 121341241014414131261215
Grade 07159155413713251491445
Grade 09170166415415041661624
Grade KG13813621351332113113-
Grade 04155151414314031171161
Grade 021321293135135-1361333
Grade 05143137615615331511474
< = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results
- = Not applicable or no data for group
* = Data not yet available

Fall Membership by Subgroups

Learning Climate

Chronic Absenteeism of MOP Students

No Data
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